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|20190731||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/boris-johnsons-ankunft-in-der-brexit-realitaet-a-1279870.html Ärger mit Schottland, Wales, Irland und den USA Johnsons Ankunft in der Brexit-Realität]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[BREXIT]] / [[GB]] / [[IE]]
|20190605||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/05/irish-funeral-firm-rents-out-four-limousines-to-trump-for-1m?CMP=share_btn_tw Irish funeral firm rents out four limousines to Trump for $1m: Cars could be used for short jaunt to Doonbeg at a cost of $116,879 per mile – or not at all]||[[IE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190605||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/05/irish-funeral-firm-rents-out-four-limousines-to-trump-for-1m?CMP=share_btn_tw Irish funeral firm rents out four limousines to Trump for $1m: Cars could be used for short jaunt to Doonbeg at a cost of $116,879 per mile – or not at all]||[[IE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]

Latest revision as of 20:08, 31 July 2019


Date Source Title Tags
20190731 spiegel.de Ärger mit Schottland, Wales, Irland und den USA Johnsons Ankunft in der Brexit-Realität JOHNSON, BORIS / BREXIT / GB / IE
20190605 theguardian.com Irish funeral firm rents out four limousines to Trump for $1m: Cars could be used for short jaunt to Doonbeg at a cost of $116,879 per mile – or not at all IE / TRUMP, DONALD
20190206 spiegel.de Vor Mays Brüsselreise EU und Irland zelebrieren Brexit-Einigkeit BREXIT / EU / IE
20170205 spiegel.de Steuerstreit mit Irland EU besteht auf Milliarden-Nachzahlung von Apple APPLE / IE / EU
20160830 spiegel.de Apple in Irland: 50 Euro Steuern für eine Million Euro Gewinn APPLE / IE / EU
20160825 spiegel.de Apple und Co.: USA drohen EU-Kommission wegen Steuerermittlungen TAX AVOIDANCE / EU / US / IE / LU / NL / APPLE / AMAZON / STARBUCKS / FIAT FINANCE AND TRADE / FIAT CHRYSLER
20131202 irishtimes.com German ministers used Irish shell firms to balance budget: SPD finance ministers used letter-box companies for pension fund securitisation DE / IE / STEINBRUECK, PEER
20130725 spiegel.de EU-Tochterfirmen: Irische Aufsichtsstelle nennt Datenexport in die USA legal PRIVACY / EU / US / IE
20130702 spiegel.de Snowdens Asyl-Suche: Neun mal Nein und ein Vielleicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asylum: countries approached and their responses: The NSA whistleblower has made 21 applications for asylum worldwide as he flees the US – with little success SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE